Learn Spanish Bank Post-Office Words and Phrases

Here's a free lesson to help you Learn Spanish Bank Post-Office words, i.e. ones that are useful at the these places.

Spanish bank & postal words that might be handy...

address . . . la dirección

banknote . . . el billete de banco

cashpoint . . . el cajero automático

change (money) . . . el vuelto

change (replacement) . . . el cambio

cheque . . . el cheque

coins, currency . . . la moneda

date . . . la fecha

date of birth . . . la fecha de nacimiento

delivery . . . la entrega

document . . . el documento

form . . . la ficha

identity . . . la identidad

money . . . el dinero

name . . . el nombre

nationality . . . la nacionalidad

packet, parcel . . . el paquete

post office, mail . . . el correo

signature . . . la firma

to change . . . v. cambiar

to increase . . . v. aumentar

to send . . . v. enviar


Learning vocab is a vitally important part of learning Spanish and one needs to put some considerable effort in to it.

Research shows however that traditional techniques of learning vocab are considerably slower than modern accelerated learning techniques. (Traditional methods are also one whole lot more boring).

To learn more about faster, time-saving Spanish vocab building techniques click on the link:

Learn Spanish Bank Post-Office words the 200 Words a Day way.

Here are a few other useful phrases to help you learn Spanish Bank Post-office terminology

.¿Dondé está la oficina de correos?
Where is the post office.

Quisiera enviar esto por avión.
I’d like to send this by airmail.

correo aéreo
is airmail in Spanish

correo certificade
registered mail

correo urgente
special delivery in Spanish

correo electrónico
e-mail in Spanish

a vuelta de correo
by return post

¿Hay un banco por aquí?
Is there is a bank nearby/ around here?

banco de crédito / banco de ahorros
Savings Bank

banco comercial / banoc mercantil
commercial bank in Spanish.

Be careful to learn these potential Spanish bank – post office little traps

la postal
is a post-card in Spanish.

un poste
is a post or pole as in a telephone pole in Spanish…

the verb postergar
is to delay in Spanish.

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