Learn a word in Spanish on the environment

Learn a word in Spanish about the environment.

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fire in Spanish is el fuego

garden the Spanish word is el jardín

hole in Spanish is el agujero

lake the Spanish word is el lago

landscape in Spanish is el paisaje

natural the Spanish word is adj. natural

path in Spanish is el sendero

river the Spanish word is el río

sky in Spanish is el cielo

stream the Spanish word is el arroyo

tree in Spanish is el árbol

wall (exterior) the Spanish word is el muro

woods, forest in Spanish is el bosque

world the Spanish word is el mundo

in Spanish is fence the Spanish word is el cerco

disaster in Spanish is el desastre

danger the Spanish word is el peligro

countryside in Spanish is el campo

country the Spanish word is el país

woods, forest in Spanish is el bosque

stone the Spanish word is la piedra

star in Spanish is la estrella

shape, way the Spanish word is la forma

rubbish, garbage in Spanish is la basura

plant the Spanish word is la planta

grass in Spanish is la hierba

flower the Spanish word is la flor

farm in Spanish is la granja

border the Spanish word is la frontera

garbage, rubbish in Spanish is la basura

Enjoy your words on the Environment.

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