Pick your Spanish Lesson Free here.

We have a good selection of Spanish Lessons here from which you can choose any Spanish Lesson free.

There are also dozens of other free lessons on words, phrases, verbs, grammar, pronunciation and many more things onsite. Check out the Navbar menu on the left side.

Onsite also are pages packed with data and info on the Spanish speaking countries, and also maps and flags of the Spanish speaking countries.

Choose your Spanish Lesson Free

Spanish Lesson Free - Common Words 1
Spanish Lesson Free - Common Words 2
Spanish Lesson Free - Common Words 3
Spanish Lesson Free - Common Words 4
Spanish Lesson Free - Common Words 5
Spanish Lesson Free - Common Words 6
Spanish Lesson Free - Common Words 7
Spanish Lesson Free - Common Words 8
Happy Birthday in Spanish
Spanish Animals
At the Bank & Post-Office
Learn Spanish Colors
How to say Spain in Spanish
Conjunctions & Prepositions
Spanish Environment Lesson
Thank You in Spanish
Spanish Greetings

Free Spanish Dictionary online

But before you move on...

...if you are really interested in learning Spanish and building your Spanish vocabulary and knowledge in the most effective way simply take the time to ask yourself the following questions...

Have you thought about what is the most effective way to learn words and verbs in Spanish?

Do you know what the Memory Masters teach as the best way to learn and remember words of Spanish (or any other foreign language)?

...among these are Masters that can remember up to 40 decks of randomly shuffled cards!

Do you know any proven, quantifiable techniques that will speed your learning, and significantly boost your recall and remembering of Spanish words?

Do you know any techniques that can increase your learning effectiveness by as much as ten times?

Do you know any techniques like this that are so simple, and easy that even kids can master them.

These techniques do exist. To know more read on....

What do the Memory Masters teach about learning Spanish?

It is simple . . .

. . . they teach that the best way to memorise a word, (or anything) is to see it in the mind's eye, to


the thing

. . . in a crazy setting.

So to learn and remember the Spanish word for . . .


which is


the Memory Master would get you to visualise . . .

a man flipping a loaf of bread in a PAN.

Pretty simple isn't it?

Using techniques like this people are now able to learn over two hundred words a day of a foreign language. The right modern software that can teach you this.

Not only that, but the little visualisation above can be made to incorporate a super-easy method of remembering the gender of a noun.

You never need forget a gender now, provided you learn the gender with the noun.

If you have studied any European language you will know that every noun, or thing is either masculine or feminine.

So you don't just have to remember the word you are learning you also have to remember whether it is male or female.

The Lingwhizz'd recommends that you only go for a course that teaches you the gender WITH the word.

There is only one that the Lingwhizz'd recommends, and to find out more about it you should click on the link.

Click here for more on the Two Hundred Words a Day Spanish learning System

and now . . .

Click for your choice of Spanish Lesson Free. Choose here.

Enjoy using your Spanish Lesson free!
Email for Spanish Lesson free information

Learn Spanish Help. Copyright 2004-2011.Transcity Properties Ltd, 32 Alverton, Great Linford, Milton Keynes, MK14 5EF, Bucks, United Kingdom.

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