Mexico - Information and Facts

Learn Spanish in Mexico!

Here are loads of facts on the Republic, the most populous Hispanic nation on earth, and a great place to learn Spanish 'in-house'.

A period of Total Immersion is a very important part of your learning Spanish strategy and is imperative at some point for any serious student of languages.

It should be combined with:

• a sound grammar learning system...whether on PC, book form, classroom, online....

• an accelerated vocabulary learning system which should lay the ability for you to learn Spanish words at 200 words a day or more.

Quite simply, if the system you are using is not teaching you at this rate you are using an out-of-date bit of technology.

• and an onsite course with a good teacher.

Click to find out more about how to learn Spanish at a Mexican Total Immersion school from this list.

Learn Spanish in Mexico

Here are a few hundred fun facts for you to quickly study up before you race off to the sunny Republic to feast on enchiladas, fajitas, tortillas and Spanish lingo!

Background information on Mexico

Before the arrival of the Spaniard advanced Amerindian civilizations developed in Mexico.

After the Spanish conquest the country was ruled for 300 years by a succession of Spanish Kings before independence in 1810.

Economic turmoil hit in 1994 after the currency was devalued and their worst recession in over 50 years took place, from which it has steadily recovered.

Social and economic concerns revolve around low real wages, large numbers of underemployed, large income distribution disaparities, and limited advancement chances for the predominantly Amerindian population in the impoverished southern parts of the country.

Elections in the year 2000 were the first since the Mexican Revolution of 1910, where an opposition defeated the incumbent governing party, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).

The National Action Party’s (PAN) Vincente Fox was took office December 1, 2000 as the first chief executive of Mexico elected in free democratic elections.

Geography information on Mexico

Geographical Position: Central America, on the coast of the Caribbean Sea. Sits on the Gulf of Mexico, between the United States its northern neighbour and to the south, Belize (formerly British Honduras). Mexico also borders the North Pacific Ocean, between the United States and Guatemala.

Latitude & Longitude: : 23 degrees 00’ North, 102 degrees 00’ West

Total Area of country:Total: 1,972,600 square kilometres
Land: 1,923,100 square kilometres
Water: 49,500 square kilometres

Land boundaries Mexico:
4,350 kilometres
Neighbouring Countries: United States 3,140 kilometres, Belize 250 kilometres, Guatemala 960 kilometres

Length of Coast: 9,330 kilometres

Climate information: varies from tropical to arid, hot desert.

Terrain Features: high, rugged Sierra mountains; lowland plains on the coast; elevated plateaux; arid desert

Elevation highs & lows: lowest elevation: Laguna Salada -10 metres
highest elevation: Volcan Pico de Orizaba 5,700 metres

Natural resources Mexico: petroleum, silver mining, copper mining, gold mining, lead, zinc mining, natural gas,lumberLand use:
cultivated land: 13%
cropping land: 1%
other: 85% (1998 estimate)
Irrigated land: 65,000 square kilometres
(1998 estimate)
Natural geographical risks: Volcanic activity, earthquakes in central regions and in the south of the country. Hurricanes, storms in the Gulf of Mexico, Pacific and Caribbean coasts; Tsunamis in the regions of the Pacific coast.

Geography - note: According the CIA Factbook from whence these figures are sourced, corn (maize) is believed to have come from Mexico.

People information on Mexico

Total population: 104,908,000 (July 2003 estimate)
Age Distribution: under age 14 yrs: 32%
between 15 & 64 yrs: 63%
age 65+: 4% (2003 estimate)
Median age:
Total: 23 years
male: 22 years
female: 24 years (2002)

Population rate growth: 1% (2003 estimate)
Birth rate: 21 births per thousand population (2003 estimate)
Mortality rate: 4 deaths per thousand (2003 estimate)
Rate of Net Migration: -2 migrant(s)per thousand population (2003 estimate)
Rate of Infant Mortality: Total: 23 deaths per thousand live births female: 20 deaths per thousand live births (2003 estimate)
male: 26 deaths per thousand live births

Life Expectancy:
Total population: 72 years male: 69 years
female: 75 years (2003 estimate)
Name of people: Mexican

Racial groupings: Mestizo (Amerindian-European/Spanish) 60%, Amerindian 30%, European 9%, other 1%

Religions: nominally Roman Catholic 89%, Protestant 6%, other 5%

Languages: Spanish, Mayan dialects, Nahuatl, and numerous other indigenous languages.

Literacy: definition: age 15 and over can read and write. Total population: 92%
male: 94%
female: 90% (2003 estimate)

Government Mexico

Country name: System of Government : Federal Republic

Capital City: Mexico City

Independence: 16 September 1810

National holiday: Independence Day, 16 September 1810

Constitution: 5 February 1917

Legal & Law System: Mix of United States & judicial review of legislative acts.

Voting systemUniversal for all over 18 years of age; compulsory.

Head of State : President President then appoints Cabinet and in common with most of Latin America is both the Head of State and the Head of Government.

Economy Mexico

Economy - overview: Free market economy. Increasing private sector involvement.

Free trade agreements with Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and the EFTA in 2001, putting more than 90% of trade under free trade agreements

Gross Domestic Product: - $USD900 billion (2002 estimate)

Gross Domestic Product growth rate: 1% (2002 estimate)

Gross Domestic Product per head of population: - $USD9,000 (2002 estimate)

Gross Domestic Product make-up by sector:
agriculture sector : 5%
industrial sector: 26%
service sector: 69% (2001 estimate)

Population below level of poverty: 40% (2001 estimate)
Household % income:
lowest 10%: 1%
highest 10%: 41% (2001)

Inflation rate (consumer prices): 6% (2002 estimate)

Labour force: 39 million (2000)

Labour force by occupation: agriculture sector 20%, industry 24%, services 56% (1998)

Budget Figures:
revenues: $USD136 billion
$USD140 billion

Industrial production growth rate: 4% (2002 estimate)

Exports: $USD160 billion (2002 estimate)
Exports: manufactured goods, oil and oil products, silver, fruits and fruit products, vegetables, textiles, coffee, cotton, apparelExports partners: United States 88%, Canada 2%, (2001 estimate)
Imports : $USD170 billion (2002) Imports :commodities, metalworking machines, steel mill products, agricultural machinery, electrical equipment, vehicle parts for assembly, aircraft and parts Import partners: United States 68%, Japan 4%, Germany 3%, Canada 2%, China 2%, South Korea 2%,(2001 estimate)
Economic aid – recipient: $USD1 billion (1995)

Currency: peso (MXN)

Currency code: MXN


Telephones 12 million (2000)

Radio Stations : AM 851, FM 598, shortwave 16 (2000)

TV Stations : 235

Internet Code : .mx

Transportation, Travel Mexico

Railways : Total: 20,000 kilometres

Roading Total: 324,000 kilometres paved roading: 96,221 kilometres including 6,300 kilometres of motorways/freeways/highways) unpaved roading: 227,800 kilometres

Navigable Waterways : 2,900 kilometres

Pipeline Distances : crude oil 28,000 kilometres; petroleum & petroleum by-products 10,000 kilometres; natural gas 13,200 kilometres; petrochemical 1,400 kilometres

Commercial Harbours/Ports : Acapulco, Altamira, Puerto Coatzacoalcos, Puerto Ensenada, Puerto Guaymas, Puerto La Paz, Puerto Lazaro Cardenas, Manzanillo, Puerto Mazatlan, Progreso, Salina Cruz, Puerto Tampico, Puerto opolobampo, Puerto Tuxpan, Veracruz

Airports-Aerodromes: 1,820

Mexican Military

Military groupings & departments : National Defense Secretariat (SEDENA) (which controls the Mexican Air Force & Mecxican Army), Navy Secretariat (Mexican Naval Air and Marines)

International Issues Mexico

Ongoing and long-standing water-sharing arrangements with United States of America is the cause of some dispute.

Mexican Flag

Click here for the Mexican Flag and the history of the flag, information and facts.

Map of of the Republic

Click here for the Mexican Map and its history and facts.

Mexican History

Click here for the History of Mexico and historical facts.

Info sourced and adapted from the CIA Factbook .

Andorra | Argentina | Belize | Bolivia | Colombia | Chile | Costa Rica | Cuba | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | El Salvador | Gibraltar | Guatemala | Honduras | Nicaragua | Panama | Peru | Puerto Rico | Spain | Uruguay | Venezuela |

Source: CIA Factbook.
Information on Mexico - Learn Spanish Help 2011
32 Alverton, Great Linford, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

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