Information on Nicaragua - why not learn Spanish there!

Learn Spanish in Nicaragua

The sun, beach and beautiful views make Nicaragua an exciting place to learn Spanish. For the Westerner it is a very reasonably priced place to learn Spanish.

Total immersion, where one lives totally surrounded by a new language, is indeed an important part of a language learning strategy, and is especially useful if combined with:

  a good grammar method for learning grammar,

  an accelerated vocab learning system teaching Spanish at 200 words a day or more…

  . . . and an onsite course with a good live, experienced, enthusiastic teacher at a good Spanish language school

For more information on how to learn Spanish in Nicaragua click on the link which lists the total immersion Spanish language schools available so that you can consider learning Spanish in Nicaragua.

Learn Spanish in Nicaragua! Learn Spanish at one of Nicaragua’s Spanish language schools.

Here are a few hundred fun facts for you to swat up on before you scoot off to Nicaragua to learn Spanish.

Learn Spanish in Nicaragua!

Information on Nicaragua

The country became a Spanish colony with settlers coming in and settling the Pacific Coast from Panama early on in the 1500’s. Independence from Spain was achieved in 1821 and the country became an independent republic in 1838.

In the first half of the 1800’s the British controlled the area, but gradually relinquished control of the region in following decades.

Civil war erupted brining a Marxist Sandinista government to power in 1979.

The United States sponsored anti-Sandinista contra guerrillas throughout the decade of the 1980s. Free elections in 2001 saw the defeat of the Sandinistas.

Geography information

Geographical Position: Central America, by Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, neighbouring countries are Costa Rica and Honduras.

Latitude & Longitude: : 13 degrees 00’ North, 85 degrees 00’ West

Total Area of country: Total: 129,500 square kilometres
Water: 9,300 square kilometres
Land: 120,200 square kilometres

Land boundaries:
1,231 kilometres
Neighbouring Countries: Costa Rica 310 kilometres, Honduras 920 kilometres.

Coastline : 910 kilometres

Climate information on : tropical in lowlands, cooler in highlands

Terrain : coastal plains, central mountain range; narrow Pacific coastal plain interrupted by volcanoes

Elevation highs & lows : lowest elevation: Pacific Ocean at sea level
highest elevation: Mogoton 2,438 metres

Natural resources : copper mining, tungsten, lead mining, gold mining, silver mining, zinc mining, lumber , fisheries

Land use : cultivated land: 20% cropping land: 2%
other: 77%
Irrigated land : 880 square kilometres
(1998 estimate)
Natural hazards : earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides; hurricanes

Geographical info: Central America’s largest country; has the largest fresh water lake in Central America, Lake Nicaragua.

People information on Nicaragua

Population Nicaragua: 5,129,000 (July 2003 estimate)
Age Distribution: under age 14 yrs: 37%
between 15 & 64 yrs: 59% (2003 estimate)
Median age:
Total: 20 years male: 20 years
female: 20 years (2002)

Rate of Growth of Population: : 2% (2003 estimate)
Birth Rate: 26 births per thousand population (2003 estimate)
Mortality Rate: 4 deaths per thousand (2003 estimate)

Infant mortality rate :Total: 31 deaths per thousand live births female: 27 deaths per thousand live births (2003 estimate)
male: 35 deaths per thousand live births

Life Expectancy: Total population: 69 years male: 67 years
female: 71 years (2003 estimate)
Total fertility rate : 3 children born/woman (2003 estimate)

Name of people: Nicaraguan

Racial groupings: : Mestizo (mixed European white - Amerindian) 70%, white 16%, Black 9%, Amerindian 5%

Religions : Roman Catholic 85%, Protestant

Languages: : Spanish (official) English is spoken in some parts of the Atlantic coast, as are Amerindian indigenous languages

Literacy: definition: age 15 and over can read and write Total population: 67%
male: 67%
female: 67% (2003 estimate)

Government information

Republic of ~- Republica de Nicaragua

System of Government : Republic

Capital City: Managua

Independence : 15 September 1821

National holiday : Date of Independence 15 September 1821

Legal & Law System: : Civil Law system

Voting System: universal at 16 years of age;

Head of State : President who is both Head of State and of government.

Cabinet of country: Council of Ministers appointed by the president

Election system: president and vice president elected on the same ticket by popular vote for a five-year term.

Economy information on Nicaragua

One of the hemisphere's poorest countries, with huge income disparities, low national per capita income, weaksocio-economic indicators, and massive foreign debts. Distribution of income is one of the most unequal in the world, with abject poverty alongside the significant wealth of a minority elite.

Gross Domestic Product: $USD12 billion (2002 estimate)
Gross Domestic Product growth rate: 2% (2002 estimate)
Gross Domestic Product per head of population: - $USD2,500 (2002 estimate)
Gross Domestic Product - composition by sector : agriculture sector : 30%
industrial sector: 26%
service sector: 44% (2002 estimate)
Population below level of poverty : 50% (2001 estimate)
Household income by %age share :
lowest 10%: 0%
highest 10%: 48% (1998)

Inflation rate: 3% (2002 estimate)
Labour force : 1 million (1999)

Labour force - by occupation : services 43%, agriculture 42%, industry 15% (1999 estimate)
Unemployment rate : 24% plus widespread & considerable underemployment (2002 estimate)
$USD730 million expenditures: $USD910 million
Industries : food processing, chemicals, machinery, metals and metal products, textiles, apparel, clothing, petroleum products, beverages, footwear, wood, timber, lumber.

Industrial production growth rate : 4% (2000 estimate)

Exports : $USD640 million (2002 estimate)

Exports: United States 57%, Germany 5%, Canada 4%, Costa Rica 3%, Honduras

Imports: $USD1 billion (2002 estimate)
Debt - external : $USD5 billion (2002 estimate)
Economic aid - recipient : Substantial foreign support

Currency : gold cordoba (NIO)

Currency code : NIO


Telephones: 140,000

Radio Stations : AM 63, FM 32, shortwave 1 (1998)

TV Stations : 3 (plus seven low-power repeaters) (1997) Internet Code : .ni

Transport & Travel Nicaragua

Railways : Total: 6 kilometres
narrow gauge: 6 kilometres
1-m gauge (2002)

Roading : Total: 16,390 kilometres
paved roading: 1,820 kilometres
unpaved roading: 14,570 kilometres

Navigable Waterways : 2,220 kilometres
(including 2 very large lakes)

Pipeline Distances : crude oil 56 kilometres

Commercial Harbours/Ports : Bluefields, Puerto Corinto, Puerto El Bluff, Puerto Cabezas, Puerto Sandino, Rama, Puerto San Juan del Sur

Airports-Aerodromes : 170 (2002)

Military information

Military groupings & departments : Army, Navy, Air Force

Military Spending $USD26 million (Fiscal Year 1998)

Military Spending - %age of Gross Domestic Product : 1% (Fiscal Year 1998)

International Issues

The Archipelago de San Andres y Providencia and Quita Sueno Bank region are under dispute with Colombia, navigational rights dispute with Costa Rica over the San Juan River.

Nicaragua's Flag

Click here for the Nicaraguan Flag and its background history, information and facts & figures.


Click here for the Nicaragua Maps.

Nicaraguan History

Click here for the Nicaraguan History.

Info sourced and adapted from the CIA Factbook .

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